Thursday, January 11, 2024

Lentils and Ham

If you're here because of seeing my post on Instagram about using up last of the smoked ham I had bought for Christmas (guests had cancelled last minute - so we had a bit of leftovers) - then get cracking on making this comforting meal.  Remember, you don't have to follow the recipe to a "t" -  tweak the recipe your taste bud way!  I've never gone wrong with this easy recipe that originates from a Fanny Farmer cookbook that I've had since the 1980's.  I modify with what I have on hand, that's how I cook, nothing goes to waste and I like to think Fanny would have approved of this. 

Ingredients (assemble to make it easier to follow my instructions):

1 cup dried lentils
5 cups of water (I plop in some Madeira wine) 
2 tablespoons chopped parsley (or 1 tablespoon dried)
1 tablespoon of olive oil (EVOO)
1 onion, chopped
1 carrot, chopped
2 cloves of garlic, minced
1/2 cup chopped celery
2 tomatoes, seeded, and chopped
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
1/2 teaspoon of smoked paprika
1 teaspoon herbes de provence
1 bay leaf
1 preserved lemon, chopped up
Splosh of smoked essence
2 cups of ham, in bite-sized pieces


Wash the lentils (I used green in my Instagram post). I braise my veggies (use a dollop of EVOO) prior to adding the lentils/water, etc. because I find it releases more flavour.  If this isn't your thing due to time factor, skip it.  Add 5 cups of water with onion, parsley, garlic, celery, pepper, and tomatoes. Bring to a boil and simmer 30 minutes or more until tender (lid on but slightly ajar). Drain, reserve liquid, put lentils into a casserole dish (I split it up between 2 - one for now - one to be frozen for later).  Put the liquid that's left over from simmering lentils (generally about 2 1/2 cups - a bit more is fine) back into saucepan, boil briskly until it is reduced by about 1/2, about 15 minutes (watch carefully).  Pour over lentils, stir in the ham, cover, and bake for 1 hour in a preheated oven of 350F / 180C.  Serving size of 6.

You'll notice no salt was added into the recipe - because a smoked ham tends to be a bit of the salty side, I don't bother putting any in.  If you really want to put in some salt, all I can say is, use a good salt.  I love to use smoked salt - and this article at The Salt Box will show you why I love it (I use Alderwood).

I used Nutrition Value Org to give me a rough idea of the carbs / fiber / protein - which came to ~ 30 grams of carbs when factoring it all in along side of a salad.  If you ever need to have an idea of nutritional values of any recipe you may come across or make up, I thoroughly recommend it!

Picture of a plate with mixed salad and the lentil and ham dish

 One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well 

~Virginia Woolf~


BTW, you'll notice I haven't posted a blog in quite a while, and have been posting mainly on Instagram or X (and now Threads).  The Pandemic sadly did me in mentally, as it did for many others. One day I'll get around to writing exactly the nitty gritty (some of you know or have heard some of the podcasts I've been invited to talk about it). Main thing, one day at a time, and the light is at the end of the tunnel - right?  One way I have with coping with thoughts that aren't good, is to cook up a meal to share with loved ones which I hope this one will do for you.

Happy New Year!

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Disappointment with the Ontario Government's Assistive Devices Program

Last Tuesday, I finally had my endo appointment.  While my A1c is at the highest it's ever been since I started insulin pumping, the team had no problem with it.  When you're used to being able to use a Continuous Glucose Monitoring device (CGM), it can be a great tool for waking up from an overnight low (especially if you live alone, or have a partner who doesn't wake up to anything).  Sadly, as most of us can attest to, many of us with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) don't sleep very well (my Fit bit doesn't lie) - because we are tuned into our bodies as best as we can to detect lows/highs.  I fail at miserably without having a CGM to recognise those fluctuations in blood sugars that for some make make or break them.  

I've been hypo unaware all my life.  I didn't realise this until starting on an insulin pump in 2008, and learning about CGM's.  I'm very lucky that no ill effects have come from often working with being at times so low, I wondered how I did it.  I either must have a very strong will to not let diabetes effect my work, or now that I think about it  ... I was dumb and uneducated as to how low blood sugars can bugger up your brain.  Luckily, in 2014 I was gifted Dexcom G4 receiver/sensors, and my life changed at that time.   I've been fortunate to have had over the years friends with benefits that have helped to keep me supplied with their discards as they go onto more advanced systems.  A nurse onboard the cruise ship I was on a few weeks ago (still working on that blog - it's an interesting one) - who was from South Africa - explained that in her country many diabetics like myself are unable to afford these pieces of technology.  We both agreed, it's only the rich folks / countries (we laughed sadly at ... the white man privledge - especially in the developed countries).  

Since earlier this Spring, when the Ford government released the news that CGM's would be part of the Assistive Devices Program (ADP) in Ontario.  Except the catch was, only 29% of T1D's would be able to have coverage.  I'm not one of those 29% since even though I am hypo unaware, I do not fall into the other areas that would allow me to have some help with paying for this device.  As someone said, have a few bad hypos ... go to ER ... then you'll have proof that you need a CGM.  It's like, WTF, no way.  After having attempted suicide last year and ending up in ER where it took awhile to get my blood sugars stable, I'm not going to play Russian roulette with my health.  

I'm lucky I survived this, but to do it again to be able to prove that I need the CGM?  What goes through my head is, the cost of that ER visit, along with 3 weeks in the mental ward (where staff did not understand what T1D was, and the hospital records I have access too statingf that I'm not a well controlled diabetic).  Fork it!  Give me a realiable CGM (and correct insulin coverage) and I'll be able to show you what this tool can do to help a T1D, and not be forced to do ER visits for lows/highs.  The cost of these hospital trips far outweigh what the cost of being supplied the CGM by the province.

The one thing that has come to my mind since being denied coverage through ADP for the CGM based on the guidelines ..... 


Why do T1D's who are on Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) not have the same guidelines as we working stiffs for going on the CGM?   And when I say working stiff, many of us are either working 1 or 2 jobs to pay the bills, usually at minimum wage (currently in Ontario it's $15 CDN / $12.68 USD / $16.60 AUS / $11.06 EURO ).  Majority of work that many of us are able to find also do not have health benefits.  I would love to have all my medications, eyeware, dental to name just a few covered, even if I wasn't fully reimbursed ( here's what is covered through ODSP ). Yes, I know I will get comments, stating how little ODSP recepients receive from the Ontario government, but either they don't understand how much health benefits are if they were paying for it on top of their rent/food/entertainment monies received.  I could go on here, but as someone who has always had to budget in order to afford things, I've given up luxuries that I'd love to have just to be  able to live.  Is there something wrong with me???  That I give up not having a dog, a new car, a pack of menthol ciggies (yes, I used to smoke occassionally but a $20/pack ... that's potential food on the table or a credit card bill), a coffee out more often? 

So, with that in mind, I'm going to attempt to reapply for the Disability Tax Credit, that I'd been fortunate to have that helps pay off medical expenses that aren't covered by province.  I did finally find an endo willing to sign it off last year, but even with following guidelines from various virtual diabetic events I've attended in .  I was deemed to not be "meet the eligibility criteria".  And yes, this lead up to my suicide attempt last summer, because I felt so unsure as to why I had been accepted prior.  Why do government institutions make it so hard for the honest person to be able to have some financial help and be a productive part of society?

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

I Do What I Want


Picture of Libre trend for blood sugars

My first night of not having any low blood sugars since starting back on an insulin pump (using the Omnipod for the next month for a change of pace).  Waking up to with no eye aches  is such a relief ! Originally I’d thought the low blood sugar was due to left over Levemir from Multiple Dose Injections (MDI) that I’ve been doing since leaving the hospital back in June.   I was there for 3 weeks while after overdosing on insulin ( trying to get my thoughts on paper about this experience to make sense of it all to help anyone who perhaps are dealing with issues especially during this Pandemic).

While in the mental ward,  I was not allowed to take care of my diabetes.   My insulin regime was based on a sliding scale that in reality works perhaps for Type 2 Diabetics ( T2D ) but  sadly the efforts of my CDE who came by to encouraged me to live, her recommendations went mainly unheard due to how the mental ward is considered to not be part of the hospital system (that needs to really change).    Like many had said in my Instagram posts about this being so wrong, at least here in Canada, it's common.. 

Perhaps, my body has changed since then as I had lost 10 lbs during my stay there (and maybe more <lol>). Mainly due to being in the high range of blood sugars which can cause muscles breakdown but it's an unhyealthy way to lose weight). This was due to the food served was so high carbs and it was a “Diabetic Meal”.   The good thing, I’ve gained that weight back since then.   I’m also needing much less insulin  BUT as we all know with Type 1 Diabetes ( T1D ) you just never sometimes what the causes are.  It can be the alignment of the sun/moon/Venus … who knows.

My only problem with the Omnipod, is that the increment of 0.05 for setting your basal rates isn’t the same as other tubed pumps I’ve used (I’m comparing it to my Animas Ping that I probably will be going back to after this since I have ample supplies to keep it running), so it’s a challenge, at least  to this highly insulin sensitive gal that’s writing here, but like anything, it’s a learning curve that makes us better at what we do 24/7 to stay healthy and able to function at our work place / home life.

Also, as we all know, getting your basal rates down pat, before tweaking any other settings in your pump / MDI routine is a must before looking at other settings such as Insulin to Carb ( I:C ), Insulin Sensitivity Factor ( ISF ), etc.  Otherwise, you’ll be frustrated as all heck, and just keep on going around and around in circles.

It’s only Day 4 of being back on the pump, and I have to admit, being on MDI has been a nice break from technology.  The Libre has been an awesome tool for keeping me online, and even though I do miss using the Dexcom G4 that at least has alarms to notify you when you’re going low/high, I do find the Libre an alternative for those of us who have no private / government coverage (and thank you to a few of the T1D’s who have donated some Libre’s to me to use, you know who you are).

I'm alive and back in the land of living.   Be safe. Wear a mask. Get a vaccine.

Cat knocking over a plant

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Ontario Government rejects covering Continuous Glucose Monitor / Flash Glucose Monitor

Two pigeons talking about Slap in the Face

Last Thursday, May 13th, 2021 in the province of Ontario, coverage for ContinuousGlucose Monitors and Flash Glucose Monitor ( CGM / FGM ) for Type 1 Diabetics was sadly defeated.  We diabetics in this province are very fortunate that tax payers of Ontario currently fund our insulin pumps and some of our supplies through the Assistive Devices Program ( ADP ).  I am one of those working stiffs, that pays their taxes diligently to support important programs like this and feel like I've been slapped in the face hard.

32 Nahs / 14 Ayes

For many of us who advocate for the use of CGM / FGM, especially ones that do not have work/private/provincial assistance to purchase this life saving piece of technology this is a pretty hard hit!  Compiling the list of the “Nahs” list and seeing the faces of the Ministers and how they represent us, started to make my blood boil up (stress is not good for anyone, but with diabetes, it can cause blood sugars to rise … and the CGM will show it off with rising arrows and alarms).

If you were 1 of the just over 2,000 people that signed to push this bill through, fantastic!  Many of us reposted the petition asking fellow Canadians to sign, because if this had gone through, other provinces would hopefully follow suit.

John Whitehead stated to the public on his Facebook page that reflects in a nutshell my thoughts - 

    “So yesterday in Ontario, CGM for all was defeated. Who should we be mad at? Of course the current in power government with the voting power to defeat it is one.

    But who else is part of this defeat? You are not going to like this answer. Go to a mirror look at it, if you signed the petition give a high 5, if you didn't sign the answer is staring you in the face.

    Just over 2000 people signed to push this bill. Other organizations or causes get 20,000 signatures in a week.

    If you sat in the government which causes would you focus on? The more noise the more focus and attention given to it.”


That last statement above in BOLD RED, pretty well sums it up for me as an advocate trying to make living with T1D less complicated for ALL so we can live our lives to the fullest.  To not be a burden on our medical system that even with the current Pandemic, has been flailing with budget cuts to make corporations happy (the joys of a Conservative government ... NOT).  I would love to put those 32 members into our shoes for even 24-48 hours or spend time with us, to see how diabetes affects each one of us differently, even if we do the same thing every day in our workplace / private lives.  Would they perhaps have voted differently? 

Thank you if you’ve taken the time to read this far, are living in Ontario (or even if you’re not), consider sending an email to the MPP’s listed below who had signed Nah (what a horrible word to use for No) … let us be heard.  I know that even though I don’t notice my MPP’s name on the list, I’ll be writing to each and every one of those listed below, so that they hopefully understand how important these devices are and how the initial cost factor to the province/tax payers will reap benefits with having healthy Ontarian’s living in their province.

If you need further information such as snail mail address, etc.  you can find the details easily using the link for the Legislative Office at the following Ontario Legislative website -  

Deepak Anand (Mississauga—Malton) - 

Aris Babikian (Scarborough—Agincourt) -

Robert Bailey (Sarnia—Lambton) -

Hon. Paul Calandra (Markham—Stouffville) -

Stan Cho (Willowdale) -

Lorne Coe (Whitby) -

Rudy Cuzzetto (Mississauga—Lakeshore) -

Hon. Doug Downey (Barrie—Springwater—Oro-Medonte) -

Hon. Jill Dunlop (Simcoe North) -

Hon. Christine Elliott (Newmarket—Aurora) -

Goldie Ghamari (Carleton) -

Mike Harris (Kitchener—Conestoga) -

Christine Hogarth (Etobicoke—Lakeshore) -

Hon. Sylvia Jones (Dufferin—Caledon) -

Andrea Khanjin (Barrie—Innisfil) -

Daryl Kramp (Hastings—Lennox and Addington) -

Hon. Stephen Lecce (King—Vaughan) -

Hon. Monte McNaughton (Lambton—Kent—Middlesex) -

Norman Miller (Parry Sound—Muskoka)

Sam Oosterhoff (Niagara West) -

Randy Pettapiece (Perth—Wellington) -

David Piccini (Northumberland—Peterborough South) -

Jeremy Roberts (Ottawa West—Nepean) -

Hon. Laurie Scott (Haliburton—Kawartha Lakes—Brock) -

Donna Skelly (Flamborough—Glanbrook) -

Hon. Todd Smith (Bay of Quinte) -

Dave Smith (Peterborough—Kawartha) -

Hon. Kinga Surma (Etobicoke Centre) -

Vijay Thanigasalam (Scarborough—Rouge Park) -

Hon. Lisa M. Thompson (Huron—Bruce) -

Hon. Bill Walker (Bruce—Grey—Owen Sound) -

Hon. John Yakabuski (Renfrew—Nipissing—Pembroke) -

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Doing the limbo dance with carb guessing


On the weekend I was attending the 3-day Friends For Life Winter 2020 virtual conference.  Even though it’s aimed at parents of Type 1 diabetic children, it is an event that even grown up Type 1 diabetics like myself can attend.  You would think after all these years as a diabetic, I would know it all, but I don’t.  I learn from both young and old through organisations like this, in Facebook/Instagram posts/groups that keep me sane and alive at times, especially during this year of Covid-19, where events like this have now gone virtual.

One of the speaker sessions that I attended was by Constance Brown, RDN on Carbohydrate Controversies: How Low Should You Go?  I’ve always been curious about low carb eating, as many of my diabetic mates swear by better blood sugar control, etc.  For me, to go under 100 grams of carbs a day, isn’t something that I can do.  It takes a lot of dedication and sometimes depending on where you live, a more expensive option of eating for purchasing of keto ingredients .  The good thing is that Constance stated that whatever works best for you is all that counts, so don’t feel bad if you enjoy bread like I do! 

If you’re new to diabetes, you are maybe finding it daunting to figure out the carbs in your food, when figuring out the amount of insulin to cover the carbs you’re about to eat.  There’s so many things that we diabetics have to think about before even contemplating what’s about to go into our mouth, let alone figuring out what we’re going to make for our meal.  On top of all of this, taking our fast acting insulin at least 20 minutes prior to eating a meal that we can’t even maybe visualize yet on our plate before our eyes can be a daunting feat!  I mean, imagine just digging into your plate of food, not having to think about this number and that! 

So, to at least start off on the right foot, an app was mentioned at the talk that I’m going to be downloading called “Figwee Visual Food Diary” .  It has a library of foods (I think it's at least 8,000), that as you can see in the video at this LINK , if you just want “x amount” of apple slices, you pick the amount you are about to eat, and viola you have your carb count along with calories (great if you’re trying to lose Covid-19 weight like I am)!

As usual, portion control is the most important thing, along with the quality of the foods we are eating, and at this time of the year, if we can make it easier to control our blood sugars, I'll try anything that can help me attain good numbers!

Remember as well, with going low carb ...

To get fat-burning physiological changes, you need to keep your carbohydrate intake exceedingly low (only 20 to 50 grams per day). This is hard to achieve or maintain and runs the risk of limiting important nutrients, phytochemicals, and fiber in your diet. ( taken from )

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Living the high life on the water

Okay, first, I am not Bill Gates, where I never inhaled and neither does Sock Monkey (really, he doesn't).  I thought this would be a great opener for what I'm finding a VERY difficult blog to write.  I've been dwelling on how to put my experience that many of you saw and commented on my Instagram post, but I personally, do not remember too much, but my DH does.  

Since the '70s, as a Type 1 Diabetic, I took up the occasional puff puff when going out with friends.  It was mainly due to the fact that drinking alcohol was not one of my top things to relax with when out.  Being an introvert, it helped me loosen up a bit and at least remember the next day what I did.  Also, I tended to be the designated driver for my friends, since most of them couldn't afford the luxury of a car. 

Fast forward 40 years later, cannabis (weed) in Canada has been legal for both recreational and medicinal purposes since 2018.  Along with that, this year where I live, our small town that I believe still holds the record for the most Tim Horton's in Canada.  It looks like we are going the same route with shops opening up (and the one we went to called Shiny Bud... right across from, yuppers a Tim Horton ).  Think of these weed shops as being like a "candy store", which is how I felt when I stepped into one about a month ago to check out what it's all about.  Lots of goodies behind locked up display cases, etc.

My DH uses medicinal weed to help him deal with life.  Since he's started, I have seen an increase with my puff puff range during the week, unlike when he was working, it was just a weekend treat.  My main dislike is getting the munchies afterward, which we all know, will increase blood sugar control along with weight excess as a diabetic.  Of course, we all differ in how our bodies react, just like our insulin use.

Last weekend, my DH went to the shop to pick up some goodies, and the package you see above nestled in Sock Monkey's legs is a pre-rolled joint from Tweed.  It's a fat little bugger, and just a few puffs, sent me into a horrible spiral.

Here I was sitting on the side of our sailboat at our mooring ball, feet dangling over, relaxing after a day of work (I do a weekend shift) as we waited for dinner to cook on the BBQ.  I try to only smoke when I know that food will be involved since it works out better for the munchies along with insulin coverage. Basically from what I can remember over the period of an hour was my husband trying to hold onto me as I puked, sweated like I was in a sauna (I remember that bit), and slipping in/out of laa-laa-land so I wouldn't slip through the lifelines and fall into the water.  I swear I was hallucinating, and talking out loud (I thought I was shouting), but he said I wasn't quite making sense, even though it felt so real.  

What was alarming him was my Fitbit showing my heart racing away, and I think I remember telling him to check on it, along with my Dexcom to see if I was having a low blood sugar (see - we diabetics can't shut our brains down when we're in a bad place).  Blood sugars were perfect! 

What follows after that was him trying to get the attention of a few other moored boats for help, and when they did hear him, one of the members of our club who had experienced a stroke on his boat (where he voice-activated his mobile since he could not move, to get help).  I vaguely remember being rolled under the lifelines (and I'm no small person), into a dinghy. Being held, talked to keep me from passing out, it seemed like it took forever to get to shore (and the same thing with the ambulance ride).  The whole time I had my eyes closed for some reason. Weird, weird, weird.  Even composing this now, it feels like a dream.

So, this pukey coated old cat got loaded off onto the front dock of our club and whisked away by ambulance to the closest hospital about 20 minutes away.  Once I started to feel my body again, and be able to talk/think properly, it was basically determined that the higher concentration of TSH in this pre-rolled joint is probably the culprit.  The doctor pointed out as well, weed has come a long way since the early days, before it, and growers for the markets we have here in Canada are creating stronger and stronger high THC strains then what many of us smoked back in the day.  

So, all is good in my little world.  I've not smoked since then, and the smell of it makes me feel nauseated but that may soon pass, but for now, I think if I do partake in a puff puff session, using homegrown (we're allowed to grow 3 plants per household here in Canada) may be the way to go in future. My DH was so worried he was going to lose me, and in my brain during the whole time, I was trying to not freak out that I was having heart issues that are one of the many complications of diabetes.

Thank you to the members of our yacht club who did such a marvelous job of handling the situation, and because of what happened, we're planning on holding a course to teach people how to handle an offshore rescue like they did for me in the near future.  

Life is good on the water - one of my rescuers :)

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Baked Rutabaga and Hot Italian Sausage Sauce

I have been posting quite a few of the usual #dblog that I would have done here at the Roller Coaster Ride of Diabetes being posted on my Instagram account.  I find a picture, with a few words (well, not always in my case <lol>), I get more satisfaction with knowing that it might touch someone’s life in a hopefully positive way, rather than going the route of a blog where many people are just so darn busy, they don’t have time to read all my words, funny links I pop in.
So, just remember, if you don’t see me posting here as often, you can always find me hanging out on Instagram while it’s still a fun place to post (sadly since Facebook bought it up, it’s changed slightly, but I still prefer to coziness, less drama of Instagram).

Now to the topic of this wonderful subject of pasta, that often makes those of us with diabetes/gluten intolerant and/or trying to lose weight, shudder and say “ No, No, No … it’s evil – it’s Creepy Pasta “.

I had ½ of medium-sized Rutabaga sitting in my crisper that I figured before it went funky, should be used.  I’m only trying to keep enough food to see me through the week, to not only to cut down on the grocery bill costs but also live the “waste not want not” way that I was raised on as a child living at home with parents that went through WWII. I’m telling you, this Pandemic is making a few of us revert back to days of the old (e.g. I no longer buy paper tissues aka snot rags). I've been making my own from thrift shop finds of cotton sheets that help to reduce landfill!
If you watched the above short video compilation above  … something new that I learned with my HuaweiP20 mobile … then you will get an idea of why I’m raving about this type of “pasta” over the usual spiraled zucchini (tends to be watery) / carrot (which is good) . Rutabaga packs in a lot of nutrition and is low in carbs depending of course on how much you eat!  I mean, it looks like pasta, is al dente, what more can you ask for?

Ugh “ you are saying to yourself (or out loud  – watch out someone might be watching you) …  Really isn’t that turnip that my Mum forced on me in some form or another as a kid? Nope don’t like it, won’t try it … “ yadda, yadda, yadda.

Come on – what is the harm in giving it a try?

Well, listen up matey … it’s NOT a turnip.  Yes, they are both root vegetables but found out when doing my in-depth research that’s done for all my scribbles you read that it’s probably a hybrid of a cabbage AND a turnip.  Sadly, the poor humble rutabaga is sadly confused and sold as yellow turnips or wax turnips.  It's part of the clan of root vegetables and a member of the Brassica family (doesn’t this sound like a story out of Outlander?) and rutabaga is probably a hybrid of a cabbage and a turnip.  The first known printed reference to the rutabaga came from the Swiss botanist Gaspard Bauhim in 1620, where he noted that it was growing wild in Sweden.  Of course, then speed on to WWI / WWI … many folks ate it, that's all they had at the time, so tend to not eat it because of the memories.

Turnip  /  Rutabaga - picture courtesy of Fine Cooking  
Where they both differ you may ask?  Rutabagas usually have yellow flesh and a purple-tinged yellow skin, and they’re bigger than turnips. Both vegetables have a slightly sweet but snappy flavor reminiscent of cabbage, but rutabagas are sweeter. 

So, here’s what I did. 
  • I peeled the wedge of rutabaga I had.  Stuck it on my Spiralizer and spiraled away (you won’t get dizzy trust me).  Note, you can get many different versions, go with what you can afford, have storage area for, etc.   
  • If baking in oven like I did. Set your oven at Gas Mark 4 / 350 °F / 175 °C
  • Ensure you have the right sized pot for your “pasta”, and get the water boiling (you could do this first, but after I spiraled what I thought wouldn’t amount to much, I’m glad I got the water boiling afterward, it would not have fit in the pot I'd intended to use.  During that time of waiting for water to come to a boil, just clean up the area to have less to deal with afterward, have a sip of your fav bevy, contemplate your navel, whatever.
  • Drop “pasta” into the water (it’s up to you if you want to put in a bit of salt, I didn’t), and cook for about 4-5 minutes.  Drain. Set Aside.
  • This next step is now up to you!  You are the creator of this wonderful dish. For myself, I had a leftover Hot Italian sausage sauce from a few days before.  I simply put a few scoops over the cooked “pasta” in a ceramic one–person dish smearing a bit of olive oil on the sides/bottom to prevent sticking. Stirred it around and topped it with some grated Parmesan.  Now, maybe that’s not your cuppa tea, go with whatever sauce you like with your regular pasta.  Maybe you like it simple, tossed in olive oil/butter with a bit of freshly grated pepper and some grated cheese.  It’s up to you!
  • Bake for about 30 minutes until bubbly and cheese melted. 

If you’re not oven baking like I did, I can’t wait to see your comments below on what version you created, be it Vegan/Vegetarian … whatever makes your tummy feel happy, and blood sugars stable.  Feel free to post the link from your social media account as well so we can all drool over it! 

Bon appetite!

NB:  Many thanks to Rutabaga Fest Blyth on Instagram for getting my mind interested in trying a vegetable that sometimes can get overlooked.  They are also on Facebook.